Operacyjne zmniejszenie lub usztywnienie nadmiaru tkanki w jamie ustnej lub gardle przeprowadza się w gabinecie lekarskim lub w szpitalu. Zmniejszanie objętości tkanki polega na niewielkich nakłuciach. Potrzeba kilu takich serii, ...
Countess Báthory had to look after the Nádasdy estates, as her husband was mostly in military camps or at political meetings. Paid clerks took care of administrative duties, but someone had to monitor their honesty and the quality of ...
Siggen&Glory var representin' hele helga, vi har f?tt to nye teamkj?rere n? - Anja Gardli(pdf-fil) og Sondre Hermundstad! Up and coming kids begge to. Mer om arrangementet kan du lese her! N? er jeg og bror tilbake i Sogn for en liten ...